Are South Africans Spitting At The Idea? The Answer May Not Shock You!
News surfaced on the internet today about an alleged R33 Million that is to be paid to Trevor Noah by the South African SA Tourism department for an advert which will allegedly aim to "advertise the country". South Africans immediately took to socials to voice their complaints stating arguments such as the money being needed in other social development programs and crime reduction initiatives etc.
Trevor Noah (source: Instagram)
However the tourism business council of South Africa has denied that any deal has been finalized with comedian Trevor Noah to promote the country to the world following reports that a deal worth some R 33-million had been signed with Noah.
It is worth noting that Trevor Noah is rumored to be worth around $100 Million (around R1.8 Billion) and having him in an advert probably should cost 1 or 2 million dollars. It doesn't seem far fetched as he is an international megastar. However, the internet and twitter argue that if he is truly a patriotic South African with the best interest of his home country at heart, he would do the advert for free.
Well, we at OthersEyed have no particular stance on this as we can understand both sides. Let us know what you think in the comment section below or visit our Instagram page and comment under the related post by clicking here: