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But what the heck was he thinking? The answer may NOT shock you.

Joel Glazer, owner of Manchester United, has sent out an open letter to the fans apologising for involving Manchester United in the proposed ‘Super League’ on the 21st of April. This comes after fans were infuriated by the English Premier side seemingly being in support of the move to the Super League.

Joel Glazer

Many of Man United fans felt like this was purely a profit based decision by American owners who don’t respect the culture of the English Premier League. One fans poster going as far as claiming that Manchester United had “sold their souls” (referring to the owners accused of greed.)

In a controversial open letter, Glazer apologises and assures United’s supporters that this was merely a mistake in their regard and that he in to way intended to disrespect the fans by joining the Super League.

Very shocking indeed considering the fact that Glazer has never addressed United’s fans in the past showing that this time…they really messed up. Really messed up. What was he thinking? What were they all thinking?

By they, we’re also referring to the five other teams that were apparently ready to jump-ship from the Premier League to the Super League namely Manchester City, Liverpool, Tottenham (who denied any involvement), Chelsea and Arsenal. All of whom have have now retracted their decision. Seems very publicity stunt like in our opinion. If you’re going to talk about it, then be about it you know?

But seriously, Imagine the six of them deciding to walk up to the Premier League like “ai, we’re leaving guys but we’re also taking our fans…” then the fans don’t even like the idea. Now they have to come back and apologise making things awkward for everyone.

The craziest part is it seems like they had it all figured out. Sometime last weekend there must’ve been a yacht party were the 6 owners coincidently met each other and discussed this over mimosas because wow hey.

Anyhow, we’re yet to hear from the other teams who were allegedly involved in the Super League, at this point everyone seems to be facing detention. Many supporters and stakeholders alike are asking for the teams to be punished for this action. Needless to say this is going to be a “Super Awkward” season/

Stay tuned.


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