Are they dog food? The answer may NOT shock you!

While many South Africans have been enjoying this chocolate flavoured treat, it seems we have been leaving our furry friends out of their rightful fun.
According to sources, Oozies snacks are actually meant to be dog food. By that we mean they are actually dog food. Shocking. Sold all over South Africa in little corner shops and so forth, it seems that shop owners are taking unknowing South African’s for a ride. It’s actually quite scary to discover how little so many people know about what they are consuming. It’s also quite ironic because the treats are made with cocoa in them which we’ve often been made to believe is bad for dogs.
A screenshot of a Google search recently sparked the discussion on social media leaving thousands of South Africans shocked. Some a little embarrassed and disgusted. Conceptually, the idea of eating dog food is quite embarrassing and disgusting but we haven’t heard of any fatalities are illness from the consumption of Oozies by humans. It actually raises an opportunity to discuss the effects of a society lacking in education.

Considering the fact that dogs eat what human generally eat, it wouldn’t really make sense to be disgusted with yourself. Besides, this, thankfully harmless, phenomenon should be a lesson to everyone to always be sure of what you’re buying. In these mass production based times, you never know what you might be putting into your body.
Anyway, to avoid all the theories we’ll just fast flash to the end of the story by reminding you that next time you really want to bond with your dog, maybe share a pack of Oozies with lol (sic).
Stay tuned.