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Is Covid-19 still a thing? The answer may NOT shock!

Keep your masks on everyone because yes, Covid-19 is apparently still a thing.

While many seem to be regarding the virus as old news, it’s no doubt that that name has been eternally engraved into our minds. It is so out of season. Every time you think about it you realise that it was a trend back in 2019 and in our fast-paced, content-filled lives, the trend should’ve died the day after it happened. We didn’t even want to include it in this article. As a matter of fact we’ll replace it for the duration of this article. We’ll call it ‘Vinny’ since it spread so fast.

So Vinny is still very much an existing thing (unfortunately) and as if South Africa didn’t have enough problems, the curfew still stands meaning no six to sixes or night clubs. Imagine a terrifying world where people are forced to start grooving while the sun is out. Or to be at a rave before supper and be back home earlier than a 15-year-old girl on her first date. At this point, being an adult means nothing. All thanks to Vinny. All complaints aside though, we are still faced with an existing threat and need to be responsible since we’re apparently not out of the waters as yet, especially during the colder months where our immune systems are put to the test by all kinds of conditions and influenza.

Cyril Ramaphosa

(South African President)

Wearing a mask and washing your hands regularly and isolation/distancing from people (especially those who seem ill) may actually be more convenient for you than you think. Preventing yourself from illness is much better than having to visit the doctor and take time to nurse your illness while feeling absolutely horrid. Plus that’s extra expenses you didn’t budget for and losing time from work if you have no sick-leave. It all becomes so stressful especially with the cost of virtually everything rising.

Anyway, back to what initially inspired us to delve into this topic is the fact that events and parties have been happening (some with police supervision) where no social distancing is observed and regulations are clearly

Not being abided to to. Now, here at OthersEyed we know that snitches get stitches so we won’t call out anybody in particular but instead we will raise a question … “Why are there still levels and curfews?” Is it because there aren’t enough police that operate at night? Is it because Vinny turns of in the nighttime? Who knows what the reasoning.

That’s our input.

Stay tuned.


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